Motivate * Inspire * Grow

Hello!  I wanted to take a moment to share with you why I want to start this blog on my shop website. 

The mission of this blog is to motivate, inspire and grow women.  I'm creating this blog to compliment the Cube Appeal brand.   I started Cube Appeal to help women beautify their workspaces and create a more inviting and inspiring work environment.  With this blog, I want to build on that and provide tips to help motivate, inspire women, which will (I hope) help them to grow and reach their full potential in their professional and personal lives.  I'll discuss things from how to find work/life balance, how to reduce stress, and hopefully feature other girl bosses who can share valuable insight from their own personal experiences. 

So please join me on this blogging journey by following me on Instagram (@cubeappeal) or sign up for our newsletter.

If you believe in this mission and you're interested in becoming a contributor, please email me at



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